May 2023 Drymatic Winners of the Month

John McDonald – Fix It Industries

Video Job of the month - May 2023

John from Fix It Industries recently completed a job that involved containing a mouldy area and implementing an impressive HeyWall system to make the space more manageable. John included the use an air mover that delivered 29-degree air into the boost bar resulting in a remarkable 40 degrees of heat being dispersed into the mats. To maximize the drying efforts in a small area, he has strategically positioned a Drymatic II unit outside of the chamber and is using the ducting to direct heated air inside the containment while extracting and exhausting the wet air. With an input temperature of 25 degrees and a relative humidity of 62%, John has successfully exhausted the wet air and introduced dry air into the chamber.

The setup may have been simple, but its effectiveness was truly remarkable. It's important to note that maintaining a timber surface temperature of 40 to 45 degrees will play vital role in achieving the desired drying results.

Jacob Hockey – ReAssured Restorations

Photo Job of the month - May 2023

Congratulations to Jacob and team for winning this month’s Photo Job of the Month where they completed drying of timber floors. This is an excellent example of the ease of using Drymatic mats and connectors! The room is placed under negative pressure to leave the air in the room. The team at ReAssured have begun with the use of Drymatic II; their room air intake is placed up high and the exhaust is pushed out the window. Using the Drymatic II they are able to recirculate air from the environment by heating up the air, exhausting wet air out and bringing in the replenishment air. The Drymatic machines continue to pick up the warm dry air, sucking it into the airmover blowing it into the Drymatic boost and blowing into the mats. Using the mats that are filled with heated dry air, this allows for the infringement drying system to take place. The boundary layer of the area is broken down and this releases moisture back into the atmosphere and into the room, which is taken away with the Drymatic II. The job is finished off with residual axial fans on fan stands to create airflow within the environment.

CONGRATULATIONS to John & Jacob FOR Winning the May 2023 Drymatic COMPETITION!

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